Live Train Status
Get live train statusUsers can check the live status of a train by providing train number
PNR status
Get PNR statusUsers can check their PNR status here by providing the pnr number
Train Route
Get the Train RouteGet details about all the stations in the train’s route.
Seat Availibility
Get seat Availibility on different trainsGet train seat availability
Train between stations
Get trains running between stations.Get trains
Train Name/Number
Get train name using number and vice versa.Get information
Train Fare Enquiry
Get Train FareGet fares of train
Train Arrivals
Get list of trains arriving at a station within a window period along with their live status.Get list of trains.
Cancelled Trains
Get list of all cancelled trains on a particular day.Get list of cancelled trains.
Rescheduled Trains
Get list of all Rescheduled trains on a particular day.Get list of Rescheduled trains.
Station Name to Code
Get station details of the given station using partial station name.Get Name here
Station Code to Names
Get station details of the given station using its station codeGet station details of the given station using its station code